Saturday, June 16, 2018

Banking and Financial Committees in India

Banking and Financial Committees in India
Continuous Economy committeeBlack Money and The Unaccounted Money
YH Malegam committeeMonitor Bad Loans
Revamps Expert PanelMarket Infrastructure Institutions
Jaitley-led PanelInspect the merger proposals of state-owned banks.
M Vinod Kumar PanelReview of GST laws
Arbind Modi-led PanelSimplify Income Tax Laws
AK Bhuchar CommitteeCoordination Between Term Lending Institutions And Commercial Banks
B Eradi CommitteeInsolvency And Wind Up Laws
Wanchoo CommitteeDirect Taxes
YV Reddy CommitteeReforms In Small Savings
B Sivaraman CommitteeInstitutional Credit For Agricultural & Rural Development
A Ghosh CommitteeFrauds & Malpractices In Banks
Abid Hussain CommitteeDevelopment Of Capital Markets
Adhyarjuna CommitteeChanges In NI Act And Stamp Act
G Sundaram CommitteeExport Credit
Gadgil Committee (1969)Lead Banking System
James Raj CommitteeFunctioning Of Public Sector Banks
Jankiramanan CommitteeSecurities Transactions Of Banks & Financial Institutions
JV Shetty CommitteeConsortium Advances
K Madhav Das CommitteeUrban Cooperative Banks
Kalyanasundaram CommitteeIntroduction Of Factoring Services In India
Kamath CommitteeEducation Loan Scheme
Karve CommitteeSmall Scale Industry
Godwala CommitteeRural Finance
B Venkatappaiah CommitteeAll India Rural Credit Review
BD Shah CommitteeStock Lending Scheme
BD Thakar CommitteeJob Criteria In Bank Loans (Approach)
Bhagwati CommitteeUnemployment
Bhagwati CommitteePublic Welfare
Bhave CommitteeShare Transfer Reforms
Bhide CommitteeCoordination Between Commercial Banks And SFC’s
Bhootlingam CommitteeWage, Income & Prices
C Rao CommitteeAgricultural Policy
CE Kamath CommitteeMulti-Agency Approach In Agricultural Finance
Chatalier CommitteeFinance To Small Scale Industry
Chesi CommitteeDirect Taxes
Cook Committee (On Behalf Of BIS – Under Basel Committee )Capital Adequacy Of Banks
D R Mehta CommitteeReview Progress And Recommend Improvement Measures Of IRDP
Damle CommitteeMICR
WS Saraf CommitteeTechnology Issues In Banking Industry
Y H Malegam CommitteeDisclosure Norms For Public Issues
Dandekar CommitteeRegional Imbalances
Dantwala CommitteeEstimation Of Employment
Dave CommitteeMutual Funds (Functioning)
Dharia CommitteePublic Distribution System
A Ghosh CommitteeFinal Accounts
DR Gadgil CommitteeAgricultural Finance
Goiporia CommitteeCustomer Service In Banks
GS Dahotre CommitteeCredit Requirements Of Leasing Industry
GS Patel CommitteeCarry Forward System On Stock Exchanges
Hathi CommitteeSoiled Banknotes
Hazari Committee (1967)Industrial Policy
SS Kohli CommitteeRationalization Of Staff Strength In Banks
SS Tarapore CommitteeCapital Account Convertibility
Dutta CommitteeIndustrial Licensing
A C Shah CommitteeNBFC
A Ghosh CommitteeModalities Of Implementation Of New 20 Point Programme
G Lakshmi Narayan CommitteeExtension Of Credit Limits On Basis Of Consortium
IT Vaz CommitteeWorking Capital Finance In Banks
J Reddy CommitteeReforms In Insurance Sector
KB Chore CommitteeTo Review The Symbol Of Cash Credit Q
Khanna CommitteeNon Performing Assets
Khusrau CommitteeAgricultural Credit
KS Krishnaswamy CommitteeRole Of Banks In Priority Sector And 20 Point Economic Programme
L K Jha CommitteeIndirect Taxes
LC Gupta CommitteeFinancial Derivatives
Marathe CommitteeLicensing Of New Banks
ML Dantwala CommitteeRegional Rural Banks
Mrs. KS Shere CommitteeElectronic Fund Transfer
P R Nayak CommitteeInstitutional Credit To SSI Sector
P Selvam CommitteeNon Performing Assets Of Banks
Pendarkar CommitteeReview The System Of Inspection Of Commercial, RRB And Urban Cooperative Banks
PC Luther CommitteeProductivity, Operational Efficiency & Profitability Of Banks
PD Ojha CommitteeService Area Approach
Nadkarni CommitteeImproved Procedures For Transactions In PSU Bonds And Units
Nariman CommitteeBranch Expansion Programme
Narsimham CommitteeFinancial System
Omkar Goswami CommitteeIndustrial Sickness And Corporate Restructuring
Pillai CommitteePay Scales Of Bank Officers
RK Talwar CommitteeCustomer Service
RK Talwar CommitteeEnactment Having A Bearing On Agro Landings By Commercial Banks
R Jilani BanksInspection System Of Banks
Rajamannar CommitteeChanges In Banking Laws , Bouncing Of Cheques Etc.
Tandon CommitteeFollow Up Of Bank Credit
Tandon CommitteeIndustrial Sickness
Thakkar CommitteeCredit Schemes To Self Employed
Mahadevan CommitteeSingle Window System
Mahalanobis CommitteeIncome Distribution
Rakesh Mohan CommitteePetro Chemical Sector
Shankar Lal Gauri CommitteeAgricultural Marketing
SK Kalia CommitteeRole Of NGO And SHG In Credit
SL Kapoor CommitteeInstitutional Credit To SSI
Ram Niwas Mirdha Committee (JPC)Securities Scam
Rangarajan CommitteeComputerization Of Banking Industry
RS Saria CommitteeAgricultural Finance And Cooperative Societies
Raghavan CommitteeCompetition Law
Raja Chelliah CommitteeTax Reforms
Rajamannar CommitteeCentre-State Fiscal Relationships
Rangarajan CommitteePublic Sector Disinvestment
PR Khanna CommitteeDevelop Appropriate Supervisory Framework For NBFC
Purshottam Das CommitteeAgricultural Finance And Cooperative Societies
Rashid Jilani CommitteeCash Credit System
Ray CommitteeIndustrial Sickness
RG Saraiya Committee (1972)Banking Commission
PL Tandon CommitteeExport Strategy
RH Khan CommitteeHarmonization Of Banks And SSIS
Vaghul CommitteeMutual Fund Scheme
Varshney CommitteeRevised Methods For Loans (>2 Lakhs)
RK Hajare CommitteeDifferential Interest Rates Scheme
S Padmanabhan CommitteeOnsite Supervision Function Of Banks
S Padmanabhan CommitteeInspection Of Banks (By RBI)
Venketaiya CommitteeReview Of Rural Financing System
Samal CommitteeRural Credit
SS Kohli CommitteeWillful Defaulters
SS Nadkarni CommitteeTrading In Public Sector Banks
SC Choksi CommitteeDirect Tax Law
RN Malhotra CommitteeReforms In Insurance Sector
RN Mirdha CommitteeCooperative Societies
RV Gupta CommitteeAgricultural Credit Delivery
Sodhani CommitteeForeign Exchange Markets In NRI Investment In India
SS Kohli CommitteeRehabilitation Of Sick Industrial Units
Sukhmoy Chakravarty CommitteeTo Review The Working Of Monetary System
Tambe CommitteeTerm Loans To SSI
Thingalaya CommitteeRestructuring Of RRB
Tiwari CommitteeRehabilitation Of Sick Industrial Undertakings
UK Sharma CommitteeLead Bank Scheme (Review)
Usha Thorat PanelFinancial Inclusion
Vipin Malik CommitteeConsolidated Accounting By Banks
VT Dehejia CommitteeTo Study Credit Needs Of Industry And Trade Likely To Be Inflated
Vyas CommitteeRural Credit

Groups & Committees by RBI

Groups & Committees
Working Group to Assess Tax Risks of Migrating HNIsSushil Chandra
Working Group on Benchmark Prime Lending Rate (BPLR)Deepak Mohanty
Working Group on SurveysDeepak Mohanty
High Level Committee to Review Lead Bank SchemeUsha Thorat
Working Group to Review the Business Correspondent ModelP Vijaya Bhaskar Rao
High Level Group on Systems and Procedures for Currency DistributionUsha Thorat
G20 Working Group on Enhancing Sound Regulation and Strengthening TransparencyDr. Rakesh Mohan and Mr Tiff Macklem
Committee on Financial Sector AssessmentDr. Rakesh Mohan
Working Group on Savings for the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12)Dr.Rakesh Mohan
Internal Technical Group on Seasonal Movements in InflationDr. Balvant Singh
Working Group to Examine the Procedures and Processes of Agricultural LoansC P Swarankar
Task Force on Empowering RRB Boards for Operational EfficiencyDr. K.G. Karmakar
Technical Group Set up to Review Legislations on Money LendingShri.S. C. Gupta
Working Group To Suggest Measures To Assist Distressed FarmersShri. S. S. Johl
Working Group on Technology Upgradation of Regional Rural BanksShri G. Srinivasan
Interest Rate FuturesShri V.K. Sharma
Internal Working Group to Study the Recommendations of the NCEUS ReportKUB Rao
Working Group on Improvement of Banking Services in the Union Territory of LakshadweepS. Ramaswamy
Technical Advisory Group on Development of Housing Start-Up Index in IndiaProf. Amitabh Kundu
Working Group on Defraying Cost of ICT Solutions for RRBsShri G. Padmanabhan
Working Group on IT support for Urban Cooperative BanksR Gandhi
High Level Committee on Estimation of Savings and InvestmentDr. C. Rangarajan
Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS) on Capital Flows and Emerging Market EconomiesDr. Rakesh Mohan
Working Group on Rehabilitation of Sick SMEsDr. K. C. Chakrabarty
Working Group on Improvement of Banking Services In JharkhandV.S.Das
Working Group for setting up Credit Information Bureau in IndiaShri N.H.Siddiqui
Committee for Redesigning of Financial Statements of Non-Banking Financial CompaniesShri V.S.N. Murthy
Committee on Capital Account ConvertibilityShri S.S.Tarapore
Working Group on Compilation of State Government LiabilitiesDr. N.D. Jadhav
Working Group on Improvement of Banking Services in UttaranchalV.S. Das
Task Force For Diamond SectorA K Bera
Working Group on Improvement of Banking Services in Himachal PradeshDr. J. Sadakkadulla
Technical Group on Statistics for International Trade in Banking ServicesShri K.S.R.Rao
Technical Advisory Group On Development Of Leading Economic Indicators For Indian Economy Dr R B Barman
Need and Use Behavior for Small Denomination CoinsSanal Kumar Velayudhan
Debt Sustainability at State Level in IndiaIndira Rajaraman, Shashank Bhide and R.K.Pattnaik
Internal Group to Examine Issues Relating to Rural Credit and MicrofinanceShri H.R.Khan
Working Group to Review Export CreditShri Anand Sinha
Internal Working Group on RRBsShri A V Sardesai
Working Group on Cost of NRI RemittancesP. K. Pain
Working group to formulate a scheme for Ensuring Reasonableness of Bank ChargesN. Sadasivam
Committee on Fuller Capital Account ConvertibilityS.S.Tarapore
Committee on Financial Sector Plan for North Eastern RegionSmt. Usha Thorat
Survey on Impact of Trade-Related Measures on Transaction Costs of ExportsBalwant Singh
Advisory Committee on Ways and Means Advances to State GovernmentsM.P.Bezbaruah
Working Group on Warehouse Receipts and Commodity FuturesShri Prashant Saran
Internal Group to Review Guidelines on Credit Flow to SME SectorShri C.S.Murthy
Working Group on Regulatory Mechanism for Cards Shri R.Gandhi
Group on Model Fiscal Responsibility Legislation at State LevelShri H R Khan
Task Force on Revival of Cooperative Credit InstitutionsProf.A.Vaidyanathan
Special Group for Formulation of Debt Restructuring Mechanism for Medium EnterprisesShri G.Srinivasan
Working Group on Screen Based Trading In Government SecuritiesDr.R.H.Patil
Expert Group on Internet Deployment of Central Database Management System (CDBMS)Prof. A.Vaidyanathan
Working Group on Introduction of Credit Derivatives in IndiaShri B. Mahapatra
Group to Assess the Fiscal Risk of State Government GuaranteesSmt. Usha Thorat
Advisory Committee on Ways and Means Advances to State GovernmentsShri C.Ramachandran
Working Group on Rupee DerivativesShri Jaspal Bindra
Committee on Computer AuditShri A.L. Narasimhan
Report on Monitoring of Financial ConglomeratesSmt.Shyamala Gopinath
Working Group on Development Financial InstitutionsShri N. Sadasivan
Advisory Committee to Advise on the Administered Interest Rates and Rationalisation of Saving InstrumentsDr.Rakesh Mohan
Advisory Committee on Flow of Credit to AgricultureProf.V.S.Vyas
Working Group on Flow of Credit to SSI SectorDr.A.S.Ganguly
Group to Study the Pension Liabilities of the State GovernmentsB. K. Bhattacharya
Rupee Interest Rate DerivativesShri G. Padmanabhan
Working Group on Instruments of SterilisationSmt. Usha Thorat
Working Group on Information on State Government Guaranteed Advances and BondsShri.G.Padmanabhan
Working Group on Cheque Truncation and E-chequesDr.Barman, ED
Committee on Payment SystemsDr R H Patil
Review Group on The Working of The Local Area Bank SchemeShri G.Ramachandran
Technical Group on Statistics of International Trade in ServicesShri Deepak Mohanty
Working Group for Suggesting Operational and Prudential Guidelines on STRIPS (Separately Traded Registered Interest and Principal of Securities)Shri M.R.Ramesh
Working Group on Restructuring Weak Public Sector BanksShri M.S.Verma
Working Group for Working Out Modalities on Dissemination of Information in Electronic FormShri Y.S.P. Thorat and Shri C.R. Gopalasundaram
Committee on Technology Upgradation in the Banking SectorDr A.Vasudevan ]
Working Group of EUROShri V.Subrahmanyam
New Monetary AggregatesDr. Y.V. Reddy
Working Group on Electronic MoneyMr.Zarir J. Cama
Working Group on Economic Indicators Dr. R.B. Barman
Working Group to Examine the Role of Credit Information Bureaus in Collection and Dissemination of Information on Suit-filed Accounts and DefaultersShri S.R. Iyer
Information systems audit policy for the banking and financial sectorDr. R.B.Burman
The Expert Committee on Legal Aspects of Bank FraudsDr.N.L. Mitra
Standing Committee on International Financial Standards and CodesDr. Y.V.Reddy
Technical Group on Market IntegrityShri C.R. Muralidharan
Working Group on Consolidated Accounting and Other Quantitative Methods to Facilitate Consolidated SupervisionShri Vipin Malik
Expert Committee to Review the System of Administered Interest Rates and Other Related IssuesDr.Y.V. Reddy
Inter-Departmental Group to study the Rationalisation of Current account Facility with Reserve Bank of IndiaShri K.W. Korgaonkar
Technical Group on Phasing Out of Non-banks from Call/Notice Money Market (March 2001)Dr.Y.V.Reddy
Core Group on Voluntary Disclosure Norms for State GovernmentsDr.Y.V.Reddy
Task Force to Study the Cooperative Credit System and Suggest Measures for its StrengtheningShri Jagdish Kapoor
Internal Group to Review the Guidelines Relating to Commercial PaperDr.Y.V.Reddy
High Power Committee on Urban Cooperative BanksShri Madhav Rao

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