Sunday, June 17, 2018

Important Days With Themes -2018

January 2018

Jan 4World Braille dayEducation for the blind population of the world
Jan 9NRI day / Pravasi Bharatiya DivasAncient Route, New Journey: Diaspora in the Dynamic ASEAN INDIA Partnership
Jan 10World Hindi day-
Jan 12National youth daySankalp Se Siddhi
Jan 15Army day-
Jan 24National girl child dayA girl is flower, not a thorn
Jan 25National Voters DayAccessible Elections
Jan 26International Customs Day A secure business environment for economic development
Jan 2669th Republic DaySangat and Pangat
Jan 27International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the HolocaustHolocaust Remembrance and Education: Our Shared Responsibility
Jan 28World Leprosy DayZero disabilities in boys and girls
Jan 30Martyrs day-

 February 2018

Feb 2World Wetlands DayWetlands for a Sustainable Urban Future
Feb 4World Cancer DayReduce the illness and related deaths by 2020
Feb 6International day of Zero Tolerance to female genital mutilationEnd FGM
Feb 7Safer Internet DayCreate, connect and share respect: A better internet starts with you
Feb 10National Deworming Day
Feb 11International day Women and girls in ScienceEquality and Parity in Science for Peace and Development
Feb 12National Productivity DayIndustry 4.0 Leapfrog Opportunity for India
Feb 13World Radio DayRadio and Sports
Feb 20World Day of Social JusticeWorkers on the move: the quest for social justice
Feb 21International Mother language dayLinguistic diversity and multilingualism: keystones of sustainability and peace
Feb 22World Thinking dayImpact
Feb 24Central Excise Day
Feb 28National Science DayScience and Technology for a Sustainable Future

March 2018

March 1World Civil Defence DayCivil defence and the national institutions for more efficient disaster management”
March 1Zero Discrimination Day-
March 3National Defence Day-
March 3World Wildlife DayBig cats – predators under threat
March 3World Hearing DayHear the Future
March 4National Security Day-
March 8International Women’s DayPress for Progress
March 8World Kidney DayKidneys and Women’s Health – Include, Value, Empower
March 10CISF Raising Day-
March 12Commonwealth DayTowards a Common Future
March 15
World Consumer Rights Day
Making Digital Marketplaces Fairer
March 16National Vaccination Day-
March 16World Sleep DayJoin the Sleep World, Preserve Your Rhythms to Enjoy Life
March 18Ordnance Factories Day-
March 18
Global Recycling Day
The Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) proclaimed March 18, 2018 the first Global Recycling Day
March 20
International Day of Happiness
Share Happiness
March 20World Sparrow dayI Love Sparrows
March 21International Day for the Elimination of Racial DiscriminationPromoting tolerance, inclusion, unity and respect for diversity in the context of combating racial discrimination.
March 21International Day of ForestsForests and Sustainable Cities
March 21
World Poetry day
March 21World Down Syndrome DayWhat I bring to my Community
March 22World Water dayNature for Water
March 23World Meteorological DayWeather-ready, climate-smart
March 24
World Tuberculosis Day
Wanted: Leaders for a TB-free world
March 25International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave TradeRemember Slavery: Triumphs and Struggles for Freedom and Equality
March 27World Theatre Day-

April 2018

April 1Prevention of Blindness Week-
April 2World Autism Awareness DayEmpowering women and girls with autism
April 2International Children’s Book Day
April 4National Day For Mine Awareness and assistance in Mine actionAdvancing Protection, Peace and Development
April 5
National Maritime Day
Indian Shipping – An Ocean of opportunity
April 6International Day for Sports Development and Peace
April 7World Health DayUniversal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere
April 7Handloom Week
April 8International Romani DayRomipen (Romani-ness)
April 8World Tradition Day
April 10World Homeopathy DayInnovate: Evolve,Progress: Exploring Science since 40 years
April 11National Safe Motherhood DayRespectful Maternity Care
April 11National Pet DayDon’t shop! Adopt!
April 12International Day of Human Space Flight
April 13Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (99th anniversary)
April 14World Liver DayRiding New Waves in Liver Diagnosis, Staging and Treatment
April 14Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Jayanti Customs Day
April 14National Dolphin Day
April 17
World Hemophilia Day
Sharing Knowledge makes us stronger
April 18World Heritage DayHeritage for Generations
April 21Civil Services DayNew India - Shaping the Future
April 22World Earth DayEnd Plastic Pollution
April 23World Book and Copyright DayReading: It’s my right!
April 24World Lab Animals Day
April 24National Panchayati Day
April 24Women’s Political Empowerment DaySwachh Panchayat, Swachh Bharat
April 25World Malaria DayReady to beat Malaria
April 26World Intellectual Property DayPowering Change: Women in Innovation and Creativity.
April 28World Day for Safety and Health at WorkOSH (Occupational Safety and Health) Vulnerability of young workers
April 28World Veterinary DayThe role of the veterinary profession in sustainable development to improve livelihoods, food security and safety
April 29International Dance Day
April 30International Jazz Day

May 2018

May 1
International Labour DayUniting Workers for Social and Economic Advancement
May 1World Asthma DayNever too early, never too late. It's always the right time to address airways disease
May 1Gujarat, Maharashtra Day
May 3World Press Freedom DayKeeping Power in Check: Media, Justice and The Rule of Law
May 4International Firefighters’ Day
May 5World Cartoonist’s Day
May 6International No Diet Day
May 7World Athletics Day
May 7Border Roads Organisation (BRO) Raising Day
May 8World Red Cross DayMemorable smiles from around the world
May 11National Technology DayScience and Technology for a Sustainable Future
May 12International Nurses DayNurses A Voice to Lead – Health is a Human right
May 15International Day Of FamiliesFamilies and inclusive societies
May 17world hypertension dayKnow Your Numbers with a goal of increasing high blood pressure (BP) awareness in all populations around the world.
May 17International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and BiphobiaAlliances for Solidarity
May 17World Telecommunication And Information Society DayEnabling the positive use of Artificial Intelligence for All
May 18International Museum DayHyperconnected museums: New approaches, new publics
May 18World AIDS Vaccine Day
May 21Anti-Terrorism Day
May 22International Day For Biological DiversityCelebrating 25 Years of Action for Biodiversity
May 24Commonwealth DayTowards a Common Future
May 29International Day Of UN PeacekeepersUN Peacekeepers: 70 Years of Service and Sacrifice

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